X 74's Software Page
On this page, you will find some links to some of my software programs. These programs range from development-programs to games, so there will probably be something in it for you.
All programs are 100% certified FREEWARE. Since the shareware concept might look quite promising, I do not believe that users will actually pay you to 'legalize' their copy of the program. Therefore, load'em and use 'em. If you want to express your gratitude or content about these programs: financial support is of course always welcome... See the help screens and .DOC-files in the software itself for the address.
First a brief explanation: every link is attached to a .ZIP file with the mentioned program in it. The files are all quite small; no megabytes of pictures and such to download. All programs are DOS-programs. Since I have not yet installed Windows (neither 3.11 not '95), it's quite hard for me to develop or test a program with a Windows-interface. Reason: only 2 Megs of free disc space, not willing to throw away some other stuff, and no money to buy a bigger one.
If you are interested in applets, also take a look at my applet page. This page contains a lot of freeware applets that can be downloaded. Anyway, here are the 'normal' programs:
A tetris-like game, although it's quite unlike all the other one's you've experienced before... Try it and you'll love it! (or not).
A very useful program to compare two or more files with each other in binary mode. Tells you all the differences between the files you wish to compare.
Just like the DOS-command Choice, but with a lot of extras! With this program, you can also use the special keys like Escape, Enter, F11 and so on.
Data Manager is your electronic agenda. It can be loaded every time your computer starts, and then it automatically tells you the things you have left to do. Each item in your agenda has it's own time-span in which it is 'active' (on which dates the agenda shows you the item).
Well, what must I say? I developed this program, and about five minutes after I compiled it, I found out DOS also had exactly the same function... Load it if you want.
A directory-showing program, which lets you display up to 20 different sorts of files in one go. All in full color, of course. Comes with automatic settings in a DOS-variable, so that you do not have to retype your favorite settings all the time.
Do you also sometimes encounter those text files in which all lines seem to go on forever? This file will let you manipulate those too long (and thus uneditable) lines; tell it the desired maximum line length, and it will break all too long lines for you.
A useful tool to sort your TEXT-files word by word. It takes up the file, splits it in all the words, resorts all words in any order you want to, and in the end writes all different words to another file, with counters telling you how often each type of word occurred.
Ideal to make your batch-files more flashy than they already are. This program works kind of like the DOS-command ECHO, but with this program, you can choose to stay on the current line after the text (let the cursor stop after the typed text), and all text can be written in 16 colors on 8 background colors (including blinking text).
Do not be afraid to take a look at my own homepage; there's plenty of other stuff in there, like free songtext files, artificial life programs, science fiction, etc.
Enjoyed these programs? Well, there will be more as soon as I feel the need to develop another
one. In the mean while, if you have any questions or suggestions, mail me at
[email protected], and I will take a look at
what I can do about it. Also mail me at this address if you want to rapport a
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