------------------------------------------------------- Re:iteration / The Shamen (Another drum) The human history represents such a radical break with the natural systems of biological orginazation that preceded it, that it must be the response to a kind of attractor or dwell-point that lies ahead in the temporal dimension. Persistening western religions have integrated into their theologies the notion of a kind of end of the world, and I think that a lot of psychedelical experimentation sort of confirms this intuition. It isn't going to happen according to many of the scenarios of orthodox religion, but the basic intuition, that the universe seeks closure in a kind of omegapoint of transcedence is confirmed. It's almost as though this object in hyperspace, blithering in hyperspace, throws of reflections of itself which actually retoucher into the past, eliminating this mistic and spiralling bad sanatory visionary and that out of these fragmentary glimpses of eternity, we can build a kind of map of not only the past of the universe and the evolutionary @@@@@, but a kind of map of the future. This is what shamanism has always been about. A shaman is someone who has been to the end; it's someone who knows how the world really works. And knowing how the world really works, means to have risen outside, above, beyond, the ordinary dimensions of space, time and @@@@@@@ and actually seen the @@@@@@@, stepped outside the confinements of learned culture and learned an imbedded language into the domain of, what Lichtenstein called, the unspeakable, the transcedentic presence of the other, which can be @obsectioned@ in various ways to yield systems of knowledge which can be brought back into ordinary social space for the good of the community. So, in the context of 90% of human culture, the shaman has been the agent of evolution, because the shamen learned the tecniques to go between ordinary reality and the domain of the ideas. This higher dimensional continuum that is somehow parralel to us, available to us, and yet ordinarily occluded by a cultural convention out of fear of the mystery I believe and what shamans are, are people who have been able to decondition themselves from the communitys instinctual distrust of the mystery and to go into it, to go into this bewildering higher dimension and gain knowledge, recover the jewel lost at the beginnning of time, save souls, cure, commune with the ancestors and so forth and so on. A shamanism is not a religion; it's a set of tegniques, and the principal tegnique is the use of psycedelic plants. What psycedelics do is they dissolve boundaries, and in the presence of dissolved boundaries one cannot continue to close one's eyes to the ruination of the earth, the poisoning of the seas and the consequenses of 2000 years of unchallenged dominated culture based on monotheas and hatred of nature, suppresion of the female and so forth and so on. So what shamans have to is is act as exemplares by making this cosmic journey to the domain of the Gayan ideas and then bringing them back in the @f...full orend@, to the stuggle to save the world.