X 74's Personal Profile Page

The profile

Well, who am I? I'm a Dutch (almost) graduated student, who studied Molecular Sciences at Wageningen Agricultural University (organic + biomolecular chemistry), found out it wasn't going to be that interesting anymore, switched to the pure theoretical side of this studies, also got fed up with that, and then filled the rest of his studies with computer sciences and mathematics (because he DID like that!).

So now I'm graduating as a theoretical chemical programmer, or rather a programmer with a theoretical chemical background. The only part of this mix that keeps me interested is the 'programmer'-part however, but it's too late to change studies for that. Turns out I had better studied theoretical physics, electronics or biology for that matter, since I was interested in those fields already from (birth?/pre-college years).

Anyway, that's my education. Furthermore I'm 24 years old. Thus X 74; it's my year of birth. I had to make up some name when I first started up my homepage, but all 'interesting' ones were already taken. Now I'm stuck with this afterwards not-so-bad name. I also happen to be male, and have a gigantic liking for electronics and programming (as hinted above). My current hobby is thus to assemble my own home-brew autonomous robot. Take a look at my robot page if you want to read the details about it.

Sports are also a part of my life, especially personal (non-team, non-ball) sports, or at least non-competitive sports. The only one I want to compete with is myself, appearantly. The sports I practise on a more regular basis include running, (mountain/indoor wall) climbing and cycling. All purely for the fun of it, no competition involved.

I am offered a job at the department of Organic Chemistry at the university I studied, but this is only a 9 to 13 month project (after which I'm back on the street). So: if you want to adopt a lonely programmer by then, leave me a mail. No, serious! Although I think I'd better go and look for a job myself... Can't be that hard, now can it?

I've got lots of other interests as well. If you want to take a look at them, you definately have to go to my interests page, where all of them are displayed for you to see (including further links to follow).

Anyway, enough of this monologue, it's time for you to explore the other parts of my site. There's lots of counters that need to be increased.


If you want to know what a person like this one can produce for a web-page, go to my index page. From there, you will be able to access all other pages ass well (like my songtext page, my software page, my robot page, etc.).


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